Thursday, February 21, 2008


Learning 2.0 should be a big learning curve for myself. Apart from email & basic Google searching my use of the internet is pretty limited.
I'm looking foward to learning about how blogs work and creating my own blogs then seeing the results this may bring about.
I'm particularly keen to learn about video online.
Things like Youtube and Google video should be great fun to explore and learn the finer points of setting these videos up.
Also learning about emerging technologies which I have never heard of is something I'm really looking foward to.
Terms such as, Mashups, Podcasts and audio, Flickr, tagging and Creative Commons, RSS, wikis, tagging, folksonomies, delicious and LibraryThing, Answer boards and social searching are all completely foreign to me.
So far I've enjoyed listening to Stephen Fry and his ideas on where the internet may be heading.
I found Stephen spoke in a very clear and concise manner so that the layman could understand what he was getting at. So, all in all, I'm very much looking foward to the next couple of months and the adventures this may bring learning 2.0.

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